Sunday, October 15, 2006

Contact Removal for Dummies

Well, I have been away for almost a week due to a self-inflicted eye injury. I think that this clinches the soft lens vs. gas permeable internal debate that I have having. Wearing my new soft lenses I removed one from my left eye with apparent abandon and the result was that I damaged my cornea. Now, apparently this is not an uncommon event at the eye clinic but I did impress the optometrist and several students with the level of damage to my eye. She told me as an aside that on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst she thought mine was a 9. Makes you proud when you can make the doctor wince.

We have an optometry clinic on campus and as we get a staff discount I had chosen to purchase my new lenses from a very helpful, eager, student. Apparently her training in soft lens removal didn't stick in my head as I tried to remove the lens like it was a gas permeable and not a soft lens. Now I don't have a head for science but listening to the people who surrounded me at various times last week I think that what I did was not only scrape off the epithelial layer but I also got down to the corneal stroma which apparently was what caused the unholy pain part of the equation. I knew that the leftover Vicodin would come in handy some day. I can see fairly well today but the idea of inserting any contact lens into my left eye makes me vaguely nauseous so its my hideous glasses until the I can face the idea again.

Here's for an uneventful week.


At 10:46 PM CDT, Blogger pingcat said...

HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!

This is NOT what your old auntie wants to read.

What? Do you want me to send down one of my "seeing eye cats"???

Hope you get on the mend soon and that the damage is not permanent.


At 1:33 PM CDT, Blogger Pixie the dog said...

I have to admit you added a little joy to my life with your "hideous glasses". I am sorry about your eye though and am glad it's getting better.


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