Bemusing descriptions
I am in search of push pins, in one of our office supply catalogs. Our procedure for ordering supplies involves finding the product in the catalog, photocopying the page, and marking the appropriate item. As a librarian I of course look to the index of the 900 odd page catalog. Are they listed under pins? No. Under tacks? No. Under thumbtacks? Nope. My next strategy involves flipping the pages in the vain hope of spotting such creatures. In my browsing I see something that looks like an old fashioned oil can held by someone wearing a white glove. For some reason the picture attracts my attention and I read the product description underneath. "Dahlia Sprayer, Creates a fine mist for relaxing paper and removing stains." It is the next line that gets me though, "Considered by many as the standard in hand-held misters." Now whom do you suppose decided what the standard for hand-held misters would be? Is there an association that gives a stamp of approval or is it based on popular appeal? Who are the "many" in the statement? Me, myself, and I or are there other people who also consider the Dahlia Sprayer the "standard" in hand-held misters? Never did find the push pins.