Thursday, February 01, 2007

Progressive Texas icon, Molly Ivins

Many of my friends thought I was a little crazy moving to Texas. There have been times that I agree (usually in the summer). However, one of the things I am most fond of here in Texas is the directness and bluntness with which particular individuals speak. I know that there are blunt and direct people all over the world but I have encountered some doozies here in Texas. Political correctness isn't exactly eschewed it just isn't considered a priority. I kind of like that. Molly Ivins is a true Texas lady and was not afraid to embarass or condemn politicians. This is evidenced in her book titles, "Shrub: The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush" and "Who Let the Dogs In?: Incredible Political Animals I Have Known."

My home province of Alberta is by far the most conservative province in Canada and its leadership has been conservative my entire life. I wish that Alberta had a Molly Ivins to call that leadership on the bs and the outright lies they tell the populace. The tendency of the citizens to constantly reelect the same party regardless of performance speaks to a fear of change and a willing blindness to the corruption and cronyism at the core of provincial government.


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