Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Fighting Stereotypes

Lately, I have been getting alot of complaints from my male friends about non-communicative women. One friend who has been trying the online dating thing was complaining about his latest find not responding as quickly to his emails after he had made (he thought) a connection. I told him that she was either not interested or conversely interested but tremendously busy. It is interesting how some of my male friends claim to be attracted to one type of women but continuously pursue someone who doesn't match this type. Would he really be interested in someone with no life and lots of spare time?

Men who want to go out with professional women with outside interests then begin to resent the fact that they aren't the primary focus of this person. Dating is awkward enough without building expectations in at an early point. The title of this post has to do with the idea that my male friend is complaining about this lack of willingness to communicate which is traditionally associated with men themselves. I think many women associate communication with intimacy and initially might withhold this aspect of themselves until they feel safe. Politeness aside, if communication becomes a barrier early on than a relationship is unlikely to flourish. My friend has two choices, hold fast until his female interest moves past this stage or start over with someone new.


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