Monday, March 13, 2006

Survey Hell

I don't know if anyone else is encountering this but I feel like everyone and their dog are asking me to complete a survey for their very important research. Last week I completed; a survey about food services on our campus (okay there was the implied ipod incentive), an ALA Reaccreditation survey for my alma mater, a survey created by a coworker about my comfort level with incorporating technology into my teaching, and a fun questionnaire that determined that I would be the Saddam Hussein of famous world leaders. Honest answers never help you on such things.

Sites like or encourage users to create surveys IN ONLY 10 MINUTES! Is this going to help the researchers who have actually thought through their survey questions and have used effective survey construction techniques to find someone who isn't in a state of survey fatigue? Has Surveymonkey created a new set of monsters? Those who must know what you think about US foreign policy, gasoline prices, or how effectively their customer reward system is working for you. Aaarggh!


At 8:31 AM CST, Blogger Pixie the dog said...

Perhaps you'd like to take my survey on how annoying surveys are...

Just kidding. I hope I win that ipod, though!


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