Saturday, December 09, 2006

Changes afoot

Ah, just when I think the semester is winding down, things heat up. In my new interim position I find myself sometimes arguing against the perception that I shouldn't be making any changes. You would think that going above and beyond what is required might be appreciated. Unfortunately internal intrigues that I am normally oblivious to have impacted my efforts. I am considering applying for a new position in MPOW but there are so many factors to consider.

A few months ago my team took a personality test online and I scored high as a "political" leader. I don't consider myself political and in fact have some distaste for the occasionally obvious machinations going on. However, I do realize that if my goals and objectives for our program are to become part of the larger goals for the organization I need to do a little behind the scenes work now. Sigh.


At 11:36 PM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not Political???? What have you been smoking?

Anyone who takes the time to jump on a bus and go visit "the shrub" IS POLITICAL. sigh ... maybe you aren't very good at "political" but still you are.

Pick your hills, kiddo!

Love ya!

At 5:25 PM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that your move has resulted in you having to have a dial-up network - at least that's what I makeup to explain your lack of blogging and so on:-)

At 5:28 PM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that your move has resulted in you having to have a dial-up network - at least that's what I makeup to explain your lack of blogging and so on:-)

At 5:28 PM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that your move has resulted in you having to have a dial-up network - at least that's what I makeup to explain your lack of blogging and so on:-)

At 5:30 PM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that your move has resulted in you having to have a dial-up network - at least that's what I makeup to explain your lack of blogging and so on:-)

At 5:30 PM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that your move has resulted in you having to have a dial-up network - at least that's what I makeup to explain your lack of blogging and so on:-)


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