Monday, February 27, 2006


I was vastly amused by myself this morning. My morning desk shift was pretty quiet but we had questions from all sides of the half circle reference desk. I decided that anyone who could manage to deal with this situation had to be "ambidesktrous". Many groans and "it's too early" comments quickly followed.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Hell Day

There are days that I love my job and the people that I work with. This is NOT one of those days. I enjoy professional challenges but today I had a philosophical difference with my supervisor and I am now questioning whether they have my best interest in mind. There hasn't been a lot of mentoring going on, more like hectoring. In any case I have hit my frustration point for the week and plan on finishing a few tasks and leaving. Tomorrow I am hosting a Mardi Gras party as a member of the Krewe of Alexandria and I have lots of last minute details to attend to. Next week will be better. It has to be.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

True to their promise

Well, I have already discovered that when they tell you the system will be down they are not joking. I had to wait until the following day to see my links updated when I started my post 10 minutes before the cutoff point. Today we met with some strategic planning folks to talk about departmental priorities. I guess I shouldn't have started the list with "ruling the universe". Oh well, if they can't take a joke.....

Monday, February 06, 2006

Virginal yet again.

Well, here I am starting a blog after watching coworker after coworker jump right in. I like to perceive myself on the "leading edge" rather than the "bleeding edge" of technology. I should probably face the fact that I may have some luddite tendencies. In any case I have been inspired by watching these others, so here goes.